Main Group 88: Wave Table Generation

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01 Basic Design
1 Calculation of fixed numbers of locations bell-shaped function
2 Calculation of a variable number of locations bell-shaped function


This group contains instruments that generate special mathematical functions for use by GEN 01.

Suggested Reading

Jahnke, E. and F. Emde. 1945.
Tables of Functions with Formulae and Curves (4th ed).
New York: Dover.


additional parameters: none

Even though csound only provides a limited number of stock GEN subroutines, it includes one (GEN 1) which can read in an external file. Hence, one can use a standalone program to generate functions that are not standard (with the limitation that files need to be written in a format understandable for GEN 1). In fact, as this example shows, one can use csound itself to create them.

The run will produce 513 values for the specified function. (Risset 1969: #513)

Orchestra and Score

WAV and mp3


additional parameters: none

This run will also generate the bell-shaped function (with a maximum amplitude of 32000) required by the instrument 02_44_2 for the smooth amplitude control function. When the soundfile is read in by 02_44_2, the function will automatically be post-normalized by GEN 1. The main difference with the previous instrument is that sr and kr are both set to 1, thus allowing to specify the number of locations to compute with p3 in the score file. (Vercoe 1993: morefiles/BELLFUNC.ORC)

Orchestra and Score

WAV and mp3

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Last modified: Sun Feb 26 13:36:01 GMT 2006